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The IMG Masterclass
Module 1: Introduction to the Masterclass
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Introduction to the Masterclass and how to make the most of it (4:26)
Technical issues with the course
A guided tour of UK specialty training (7:14)
An overview of the ST1/CT1 application process (11:28)
Self-doubt and the IMG inferiority complex (9:59)
My story: struggles and triumphs (4:56)
Module 2: Smash through long-listing
Introduction (0:57)
Walk through the person specifications with me (6:07)
Is your medical degree accepted by the GMC? (3:13)
Avoiding the pitfalls of obtaining full GMC registration (5:51)
How to meet the 12-month post-internship experience requirement (11:58)
Deciphering CREST (34:34)
CREST Evidence Checklist
Sample Evidence Forms (Mini-CEX, CBD, DOPS)
Are you overqualified for ST1/CT1? (3:08)
Other minor entry criteria (5:35)
Summary & Resources (1:00)
Module 2 worksheet and checklist
The point of no return (1:16)
Module 3: Research & planning for success
Introduction (1:28)
Where and how to find reliable information (18:43)
Which core training programme should you apply for? (10:25)
Do you need to be exempt from RLMT? (3:04)
How competitive is your target specialty? (6:38)
What you need to know about shortlisting (6:05)
Breaking down the final application score per specialty (8:38)
Entrance exam: The Multi-specialty Recruitment Assessment (MSRA) (11:00)
Thinking about plan B (5:15)
How to work out your personal timeline to ST1/CT1 (18:21)
Summary and Resources (1:51)
Module 3 Timeline worksheets
Module 4: Overcoming the first obstacle - RLMT Exemption
Introduction (9:10)
Standalone FY2 vs WAST (7:03)
Apply and Succeed: Standalone FY2 (29:54)
Apply and succeed: WAST (20:15)
The Stepping Stone Specialty (7:18)
The academic route to RLMT exemption (4:17)
Summary (2:41)
**2021 UPDATES**
Introduction to 2021 COVID changes (18:09)
Updates for each specialty (34:55)
How to provide evidence of your Consultant's GMC registration for CREST 2021 (2:53)
Module 5: Build up your CV without burning out
Introduction (3:01)
Person Specification (4:15)
Overview of the Portfolio (17:07)
General Portfolio Strategy Development (11:50)
Teaching (30:22)
QI & Audit (33:29)
Commitment to specialty (37:35)
Leadership (14:51)
Prizes & Awards (13:33)
Presentations (23:43)
Publications (20:47)
Achievements outside of medicine (16:44)
The other domains (8:41)
Summary (3:29)
CV templates
Supervisor letter checklist
Sample supervisor letters
Resources for reflective writing
Module 6: Power Prep your Portfolio
Introduction (5:40)
The Physical Components of your Portfolio (6:52)
How to Organize Your Portfolio to Gain Maximum Points (7:59)
My Portfolio (11:40)
Summary (1:55)
Portfolio templates
Module 7: Applying through ORIEL Correctly
Introduction (1:12)
Create your ORIEL Account (3:03)
Search for Vacancies (3:18)
Complete the Application Form Part 1 (7:44)
Complete your application form Part 2 (9:46)
Summary (0:59)
Module 8: Preparing for interview
Introduction (2:04)
An Overview of the UK ST1/CT1 Interview (18:17)
How to Approach the Interview (14:37)
The Different Interview Stations (1:42)
The Portfolio Station (4:43)
The Clinical Scenario Station (4:35)
The Practical Skills Station (3:05)
The Communication Station (3:10)
The Professionalism Station (3:31)
The Miscellaneous Station (4:07)
The Presentation Station (5:45)
The Commitment to Specialty Station (3:05)
The Global Rating Score (1:44)
Booking the Interview (5:15)
On the day of Interview (8:25)
Claiming back Interview Expenses (6:44)
Summary (3:38)
General interview resources
Specialty-specific interview resources
Module 9: What now? What to do after the Interview?
Introduction (2:15)
How to express gratitude to those who have helped you (5:13)
The biggest mistake doctors make when ranking preferences (11:56)
What it means to accept, hold, or upgrade an offer (6:03)
Pre-employment checks and your work visa (6:46)
What to do if you don't succeed (1:35)
Summary (0:26)
Thank you (2:35)
Breaking down the final application score per specialty
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